Suite 5 Big Offices, Poulton Close, Dover, Kent, England, CT17 0HL +44 782 201 7324

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+44 782 201 7324

Ocean Freight

Delta Wave Logistics is an ocean freight forwarding company with a worldwide logistics network that operates across all five oceans. Shipping freight by water is made easy by our skilled freight veterans. We have the expertise and knowledge necessary to lead you through the entire process from start to finish. In today's competitive freight industry, it is more crucial than ever to find a cost-effective way for your business or organization to send goods anywhere in the world with no issues at all!, As a Non-Vessel-Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC) and Ocean Transportation Intermediary (OTI), we put you in control by offering options in terms of carrier steamship lines, schedule, and budget.

  • Cargo Security Managements
  • Warehouing
  • prompt notifications and alarms with track-and-trace monitoring
  • Inventory Management